Идеи Варианты финансовой независимости

  • Автор темы Partizzan
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  • Просмотров 5316 Просмотров


28 Июн 2020
Приветствую форум. Подскажите и расскажите свои варианты заработка в жизни. Интернет не интересует, например : скупка леса с последущей перепродажей, сбор ягоды, скупка заброшеных гаражей со следующим ремонтом и продажей. От себя так же могу в лс рассказать разные варианты. Поделитесь опытом буду признателен.


17 Май 2020
I have one idea that could come in handy, it entails buying damaged vehicles (mostly goes for like 500 £ on some classified ads) and having them repaired and customized. Once, repaired you can put them up for sale (mostly look for third world countries classified sites). You can end up getting up to 500 £ profit on sale. It would require a good capital as to where the repairs of the damaged parts and also customizations are concerned. I hope you find this useful.


28 Июн 2020
I have one idea that could come in handy, it entails buying damaged vehicles (mostly goes for like 500 £ on some classified ads) and having them repaired and customized. Once, repaired you can put them up for sale (mostly look for third world countries classified sites). You can end up getting up to 500 £ profit on sale. It would require a good capital as to where the repairs of the damaged parts and also customizations are concerned. I hope you find this useful.

Ай донт ноу


8 Май 2017
I have one idea that could come in handy, it entails buying damaged vehicles (mostly goes for like 500 £ on some classified ads) and having them repaired and customized. Once, repaired you can put them up for sale (mostly look for third world countries classified sites). You can end up getting up to 500 £ profit on sale. It would require a good capital as to where the repairs of the damaged parts and also customizations are concerned. I hope you find this useful.
You have to be a master in this in order to make a profit of this doing. I wonder how exactly will he sale these repared vehicles to the third world countries? By using Internet? Then who will deliver them to a customers?


4 Май 2019
очень неинтересная идея. хотя если доставлять Авито доставкой)))))


17 Май 2020
[QUOTE = "EgorData"]
You have to be a master in this in order to make a profit of this doing. I wonder how exactly will he sale these repared vehicles to the third world countries? By using internet? Then who will deliver them to a customers?
Advertisement of the products on classified Ads websites (using the internet) is a good recommendation when trying to make a sale, also with the provision of international shipping option for your customers via patronizing courier service, you can then choose to charge for shipping. The concept is easy, it's just like how products can be shipped to international locations from the merchant physical store. The field of knowledge that might require mastery is good knowledge of Automobiles, Since all of the repairs can be done by specialist through employing labor. ie employing Mechanics, engineers etc. So a large amount of capital is essential to achieving the objective.
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